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International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk (IGC Code)

International code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk (IGC Code) International Maritime Organization - Segunda edición - London IMO 2016 - ix, 183 páginas - Colección marítima .

General -- Ship survival capability and location of cargo tanks -- Ship arrangements -- Cargo containment -- Process pressure vessels and liquids, vapour and pressure piping systems -- Materials of construction and quality control -- Cargo pressure temperature control -- Vent systems for cargo containment -- Cargo containment system atmosphere control -- Electrical installations -- Fire protection and extinction -- Artificial ventilation in the cargo area -- Instrumentation and automation systems -- Personnel protection -- Filling limits for cargo tanks -- Use of cargo as fuel -- Special requirements -- Operating requirements -- Summary of minimum requirements.


Transportadores de gas licuado--Regulaciones de seguridad
Contratos de construcción naval
Gases licuados--Normas de seguridad--Transporte

623.8245 / I6 2016
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