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Structural Analysis Using Classical and Matrix Methods

McCormac, Jack C.

Structural Analysis Using Classical and Matrix Methods Jack C. McCormac - Fourth Edition - New York; John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2007 - 579 páginas

Introduction – Structural Loads – System Loading and behavior – Reactions – Shearing force and bending moment – Introduction to plane trusses – Plane trusses, continued – Three-dimensional or space trusses – Influence lines for beams – Truss influence lines and moving loads – Deflections and angle changes using geometric methods -- Deflections and angle changes using geometric methods continued -- Deflections and angle changes using energy methods – Introduction to statucally indeterminate structures – Force methods of analyzing statically indeterminate structures – Force methods of analyzing statically indeterminate structures continued – Influence lines for statically indeterminate structures – Slope deflection: A displacement method of analysis – Approximate analysis of statically indeterminate structures – Moment distribution for beams – Moment distribution for beams for frames – Introduction of matrix methods – Fundamentals of the displacement or stiffness – Stiffness matrices for inclined members – Additional matrix procedures.

Análisis estructural (Ingeniería)

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