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Astronomy activity and laboratory manual Alan W. Hirshfeld

Por: Detalles de publicación: Boston : Jones and Bartlett Publishers , 2009Descripción: v, 136 páginas 27 centímetrosISBN:
  • 9780763760199
Tema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 523 H58
The world's first skywatcher-You! -- Shadowland -- Shadowland-The Sequel -- Shadowland follow-up -- The phases of the moon -- Eratosthenes measures earth -- Aristarchus measurus the size and distance of the Moon -- Aristarchus measurus the size and distance of the Sun -- The Copernican cosmos -- Kepler's third law -- Isaac Newton and the Moon -- Galileo measures a mountain-on the Moon! -- Precision astronomy after Galileo-stellar aberration -- Precision astronomy after Galileo-stellar parallax -- Picturing the universe-How photography revolutionized astronomy -- Hor bright is that star? A tutorial on the magnitude system -- The realm of the spiral nebulae -- Hubble's law-in the kitchen and in the universe -- The hertzsprung-Russell diagram -- Binary stars and stellar masses

The world's first skywatcher-You! -- Shadowland -- Shadowland-The Sequel -- Shadowland follow-up -- The phases of the moon -- Eratosthenes measures earth -- Aristarchus measurus the size and distance of the Moon -- Aristarchus measurus the size and distance of the Sun -- The Copernican cosmos -- Kepler's third law -- Isaac Newton and the Moon -- Galileo measures a mountain-on the Moon! -- Precision astronomy after Galileo-stellar aberration -- Precision astronomy after Galileo-stellar parallax -- Picturing the universe-How photography revolutionized astronomy -- Hor bright is that star? A tutorial on the magnitude system -- The realm of the spiral nebulae -- Hubble's law-in the kitchen and in the universe -- The hertzsprung-Russell diagram -- Binary stars and stellar masses

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